A regional and systemic approach to improving outcomes for people, places and profits across the North Quabbin Region and Franklin County

Route Two Rural Innovation Corridor (R2IC) Context

The R2IC idea is inspired by the Aspen Institute’s recent work on Rural Development Hubs,
The R2IC is a regional approach to solving complex problems by providing a hub & spoke model to design, deliver and grow promising programs, products and services at regional scale in partnership with organizations and communities from Orange to North Adams.
The R2IC aims to work across critical and connected drivers of K-12 teaching & learning, workforce development and economic development serve as a catalyst for improving outcomes on people, places and profits across Franklin County

Re-Imagining K-12 Rural Education

The R2IC idea is inspired by the Aspen Institute’s recent work on Rural Development Hubs,
The R2IC is a regional approach to solving complex problems by providing a hub & spoke model to design, deliver and grow promising programs, products and services at regional scale in partnership with organizations and communities from Orange to North Adams.
The R2IC aims to work across critical and connected drivers of K-12 teaching & learning, workforce development and economic development serve as a catalyst for improving outcomes on people, places and profits across Franklin County

Our Vision

We imagine a future Franklin County & North Quabbin Region where all people, communities, organizations and businesses  thrive.

Addressing Our Region’s Most Pressing Challenges

The 56 mile stretch of Route 2 between and Orange and North Adams is well known as one of the most rural and most poor regions of Massachusetts, with an aging and declining population, and 11% of residents living in poverty. Too many of our historically strong manufacturing and agricultural jobs have disappeared and high paying jobs are limited. And the high wage jobs that exist often require a college degree or advanced training or certification.

Yet, our region has many strengths to build on. We have a strong spirit of collaboration. We have strong and growing creative, food and beverage entrepreneurs. And beautiful natural environments for outdoor and agrotourism.

The R2IC aims to be a catalyst for building a forward thinking region where our best days are truly ahead.

Our Approach

Develop an aligned action network of diverse partners who share a new vision for a thriving region.
Work at the Grasstops (systems/policy) and Grassroots (program/community) levels to make immediate and lasting impacts and results.
Leverage our regional scale to secure and invest significant philanthropic dollars aimed to support our residents across the school to career spectrum.

R2IC Model

Re-Imagine K-12 Rural Education

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Community and Economic Development

Demonstrated Outcomes On People, Places & Profits Across The Region


Shelbourne Falls, MA

Email  max@rtic.org